Friday, September 18, 2015

Tamil Nadu : Government Fixed rate for Auto Rickshaw | Complaint number for Extra Fare in Chennai

Chennai Auto Rickshaw Price Complaint number

Since lot of complaints are reported against high fare collected by auto rickshaw , specially in Chennai urban and sub urban location, Tamil Nadu government passed an GO to regularize the Auto rickshaw fare around the Chennai Metro Politan area.

  1.  Minimum charge for first 1.8 Kilometers : Rs 25.
  2.  For each additional Kilometer. : Rs 12.
  3.  Detention (Waiting) charges : Rs 3.50 for every five minutes.
  4.  Night service charges (between 11.00 p.m and 5.00 a.m) : In addition to the total fare calculated at the above rate, an additional charge of fifty percent of the total fare.
As per the motor law, every auto rickshaw should have been fixed with digital electronic fare meter, which is enabled with GPS and Printing features. These meters will be provided by the government at free of cost.

Auto Rickshaw : Helpline Complaint number :

When you face any issues related to extra fare or other security issues, you can call to the Complaint number for Auto rickshaw : 044-66334346

The important thing is to provide the register number of the Auto rickshaw. The name and details of the complaint number will not be disclosed.