Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chennai local Sub urban train return ticket validity | Clarification of Rules


For most of us, the statements of validity for return ticket of Chennai local Sub urban trains is a mystery. This article will clarify the rules of return ticket, so that you can save some money by knowing the correct rules framed by southern railways.

  • The onward journey (start of journey) should commence (start) within one hour of the purchase of the train ticket.
  • The return ticket is valid up-to the Midnight of the next day, from the date of purchase of return ticket.
  • The return ticket is valid only for local suburban train , local fast sub urban train. The ticket is not valid in Express trains and Intercity trains.

For example, if you buy the ticket on Saturday morning 9 AM, then you should leave the station where you buy the ticket before 10 AM.
And you can use the return ticket, up-to 11.59 PM of the Sunday midnight.

These rules will be clearly printed in the back side of the ticket. You can refer at the time of purchase of the ticket.