To Stop Vibration while typing in Android OS Smartphones
To Stop Vibration while typing in Android OS Smartphones
- By default , the android OS smartphones will vibrate when we touch the keys of keyboard in screen while typing.
- You can stop / turn off the vibration while typing , by two methods.
- First and easiest method is to change the Profile. Vibration will be turned on in Outdoor,Loud Profiles. If you don't want the vibration, temporarily then you can switch to silent or Meeting Profile.
- To manually turn of the Vibration Go to Settings → Audio Profile → Select the Profile name you want to turn Off the Vibration
- Now, uncheck (Remove tick mark) the option Vibration on Touch
- You can re enable the vibration on touch whenever you need.
Advantages of stopping Vibration on touch :
- Battery life will be extended little bit
- Soft feel while typing
- Typing same letter twice , because of not sure whether the letter is typed
- Materialistic feel will be missing