Sunday, June 14, 2015

NX: To set Manual Boundary, Circular Boundary for views using curves in UG NX Drafting

By default we can set the boundary of a drawing view as automatic rectange, in which the boundary will be automatically set based on the geometry of the view.

If you want to manually increase or decrease the boundary then you can right click on the view and select View Boundary → Choose Manual Rectangle → Now draw a manual rectangle as per your requirement.

Apart from these two types of boundary, we can also set a boundary using the curves that are drawn manually.

To draw a manual boundary (border) for a drawing view in UG NX Drafting,

  1. Right click on the view and select Active sketch view.
  2. Now draw a manual boundary using lines and arc commands. Ensure that the boundary you have drawn is closed completely
  3. Now choose Finish Sketch
  4. Right click on the Default rectangular border and select the option View Boundary
  5. Select the option Bound By Objects
  6. Now select the manual curves drawn by you as a new boundary
  7. Press OK and you can see the curves you have drawn by you will act as you new boundary.
  8. If you want to hide the boundary curves, then you can select the curves, right click and hide them.