Wednesday, June 3, 2015

To insert date picker in Excel | Dropdown calender Date Picker

To insert date picker in Excel

It would be time consuming to enter the date manually ,every time in a cell.
Instead we can insert a date picker calender , so that the user can pick the date on clicking the cell and choosing the date from displayed calender.

Steps to Insert date picker in Excel :

  1. There are so many ready made add ins available for date picker. I recommend RDB Date Picker add-in from my experience. Extract the zip file and keep the .xlma add-in file in you desktop location.
  2. Now Open Microsoft Excel , any version is applicable.
  3. Go to File→Options→Add-ins
  4. Now select Excel Add-ins in the Manage option and Press Go
  5. A new small Add-ins form will open. Select Browse and choose the .xlma file that you have saved in desktop location.
  6. Thats it. You have added the date picker option in your Excel workbook and it can be used in all workbooks but only in your PC.
  7. Now Pick any cell that you want to insert date. Right click on the cell and choose Date Picker.
    A calender opens now. Double click on the date to insert the date. You can change the format of the date if you wish, in change settings options.