Monday, June 1, 2015

Normal , Emergency phone calls are restricted by access control | Android Solution

Error : 

  • Normal calls are restricted by access control
  • Emergency calls are restricted by access control
  • All calls are restricted by access control 


Mostly for Android smartphone users, while calling to a person's mobile phone, sometimes you might receive this access control error. The major reason would be the network tower ,where the opposite person currently connected is under temporary maintenance.
Due to some emergency maintenance , the network signal will be restricted for their users for a very short span of time. This error is also associated with OUT OF SERVICE AREA , sometimes.


This kind of error will be monitored and automatically solved within 5 minutes by the network provider. If it lasts for a long time, then you should make a complaint request to the network provider.


This error is purely related to the network provider like t-mobile, at&t,Airtel, Vodafone etc and it is not related with your Android equipped mobile or because of smartphones like redmi , moto G , HTC or nexus . This error can be clearly seen in Android OS and Apple ios.