This article helps you to add a specific channel in Videocon D2H DTH, Remove, Deactivate channels, Account Information , and registering your mobile number .
Otherwise, call 073558 73558 and tell your viewer card number to change your base pack.
RTN <<New RTN>>
To know your base pack
How to Know your Base Pack in Videocon D2H?
From your register mobile number, send an sms PACK to 9212012299 from your register mobile number.How to Change Base Pack in Videocon D2H?
If you have already registered mobile number, login through online VideoconD2H and change the base packOtherwise, call 073558 73558 and tell your viewer card number to change your base pack.
> Add a Specific Channel in Videocon D2H DTH
- To add a channel or package send an sms ADD <ADD ON CODE> to 09212012299
- The best way to add ore remove channel in Videocont DTH is through online MyD2H portal. Because you can save the SMS cost.
- In SMS method, each SMS will cost around 3 Rupees.
- Just login with your Product number and type password as password for first time. You can change it anytime. Once you logged in , you can choose add on channels and buy whatever channel you want to add.
- Whenever you need to add, remove channel or upgrade your pack just login to Videocon myD2H account portal and do the process easily in online itself.
>Remove or Deactivate a Specific Channel in Videocon D2H
- If you wish to remove or deactivate any specific channel, then you have to call the customer care 073558 73558
>To check Videocon D2H DTH Balance, recharge due date
To Check your BALANCE from any mobile
Send an sms BAL <<Customer ID>> to 9212012299
Send an sms BAL <<Customer ID>> to 9212012299
To recharge through Voucher RTN
send RC <Voucher Pin No.> <Last 4 Digits of Serial Number> to 9212012299
To recharge through Voucher Non RTN
send RC <Customer Id> <Voucher Pin No.> <Last 4 Digits of Serial Number> to 9212012299
To Recharge through Non-Registered Telephone no.
SMS RC<Customer ID> <Recharge Voucher Pin>to 9212012299
>New / Change Register Mobile Number , Videocon D2H Selfcare
RTN <<New RTN>>
To know your base pack
To complaint or contact Videocon D2H Helpline