Thursday, May 28, 2015

NX Tutorial : To Copy curves to excel . word from NX Unigraphics Drafting

Copy curves to excel or word from NX Unigraphics

If you want to make a PPT or Excel presentation using the sketch curves that are used in NX , there is a simple option available to do so.
Ensure that you are in Drafting mode before copying the curves.

  1. Open NX Unigraphics
  2. Go to Drafting mode . Important thing is it will work only in Drafting mode and not in any other modules.
  3. In the drawing sheet , hide the unwanted curves and keep only the curves you need to copy in Excel or PPT presentation.
  4. Now In NX Menu Bar select Edit → Copy DIsplay
  5. Now Go to Excel or word document and press Ctrl+V to paste the curves
  6. Right click on the picture and select Edit Picture to break the curves into multiple segments so that it will become very easy to edit.
  7. This procedure can be used in Powerpoint, Word and Excel doucments.