This article helps you to add a specific channel in Tata Sky DTH, Remove, Deactivate channels, Account Information , and registering your mobile number .
> Add a Specific Channel in TataSky DTH
- To add a channel or package send an sms ADD <space> <Package code> to 56633
- To know your current package , send sms PACK to 56633
- The best way to add ore remove channel in Tatasky DTH is through online self care portal. Because you can save the SMS cost.
In SMS method, each SMS will cost around 3 Rupees.
- Register in Self care (one time process)
- Whenever you need to add, remove channel or upgrade your pack just login to self care portal and do the process easily in online itself.
>Remove or Deactivate a Specific Channel in TataSky
- From rgfistered mobile number, to remove or deactivate existing add on pack, a la carte channels, send an sms : DROP <space> <Package code> to 56633
- To know your current package , send sms PACK to 56633
- The best way to add ore remove channel in Tatasky DTH is through online self care portal. Because you can save the SMS cost.
In SMS method, each SMS will cost around 3 Rupees.
- Register in Self care (one time process)
- Whenever you need to add, remove channel or upgrade your pack just login to self care portal and do the process easily in online itself.
>To check Tata Sky DTH Balance, recharge due date
- From your registered Mobile number sens an sms BD to 56633
- To register your mobile number , you have to call helpline for first time.
>New / Change Register Mobile Number , TataSky Selfcare
- Go to MyTatasky page in official webpage of Tatasky and register for Selfcare with your Registered Mobile number (RMN) and Subscriber ID. You can get the Tata SKY subscriber ID by pressing home button on your DTH remote control.
- For registering your mobile number for the first time, you have to call the helpline 1860 208 6633
- Registering Selfcare and your mobile number will be very much useful in times of emergency to add channels, check balance etc.
>To complaint or contact Tatasky Helpline
- Call Customer care number 1860 208 6633 to TataSky DTH from any landline or mobile number in order to get any assistance regarding your TataSky Dish TV
>To deactivate hd channel in Tata Sky
- You have to convert to SD pack or manually give a request to tata sky customer care toll free helpline ,1860 208 6633 to disconnect or deactivate tata sky HD channels.
>How to add kids pack on tatasky using registered mobile number
- To add kids pack in tatasky, send the sms from your registered mobile number.
- ADD KIPA to 56633
- You can also go to mytatasky and login using your registered mobile number and activate your kids pack
- Best way is to contact 1860 208 6633 from your registered mobile number