Thursday, May 14, 2015

Register and Activate UAN (Universal Account Number) | Employee Provident Fund

What is UAN

UAN (Universal Account Number) is related to Employee Provident Fund . It allows the employee to link multiple PF accounts to a common account. If you switch jobs,the new EPF account is tagged to the UAN. This gives them control of  your PF account in matters related to balance transfers, online passbook download,credit alerts and to update your profile.

To Register and  Activate UAN :

Your employer would already registered your UAN with EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Organization). All you have to do is to activate UAN.
  1. Go to EPFO portal
  2. Click the option , Activate your UAN . This can be found in right side of the page, below sign in option.
  3. Check(tick mark) the option "I have read and understood the instructions" . The form will be displayed below.
  4. Enter the UAN number that is allotted for you. Your Employer should have your twelve digit UAN number. UAN number is unique for each employee.
  5. Enter your mobile number. The activation PIN will be sent to this mobile number.
  6. Now, In select state and office , you have to select your employers bank branch state and office. You should ask employer for this information.
  7. The first two boxes of member ID will be filled automatically based on the state and office you have selected.
  8. In third box enter the first half (before the symbol /) of your pension account number. You can get Pension account number in PF account statement
  9. In fourth box, leave blank (fir most cases) or enter the three digit code (after symbol /)
  10. In fifth box, enter the last portion of your Pension account number.
  11. Now type the same letters shown in the "human verification" picture
  12. Click Get PIN. (If you receive any error double check the information you have entered)
  13. Select Agree. Enter the PIN that you have received to your mobile number in the last column.
  14. Now  new page will open which asks Email Id, password for your login.
  15. Once you submit , you will receive an SMS with your login information.

Your UAN is activated now. You can use your UAN number and password to sign in and use the online options like view online PF passbook, Claim PF amount, Check the status of your PF claim etc.