Sunday, March 15, 2015

Shorcuts to Switch Application Command in UG NX | Unigraphics

Unigraphics UG NX allows us to work on a list of different kind of environments like CAD modeling,, Drafting, FEA simulation, Assemblies, Sheet metal, Shape studio, Manufacturing , Flexible Printed circuit design etc.

In order to switch from one application to other you can either choose the desired application in the drop down list at the top left corner of the screen which is named as Start .

Else you can use the following list of keyboard shortcuts to choose the application. Ensure that you have the desired UG applications installed in the package , before trying these shortcuts.

Shortcuts for Switching Applications in UG NX Unigraphics
  • To switch to Modeling press Ctrl+M . Sometimes simply pressing M will work.
  • In order to enable tools related to assemble, use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+A .If you again use the same shortcut it will turnoff the assembly options from the screen.
  • To start the Drafting application use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+D 
  • To work in sheet metal environment, Press Ctrl+Alt+N which starts the NX Sheet metal module.
  • To work with Advanced surfacing techniques use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S to start the Shape studio application.
  • To work in operations related to CNC milling , drilling kind of operations use Ctrl+Alt+M shortcut which starts the Manufacturing application.
  • To start Flexible Printed Circuit Design use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P . It enables the environment to work with options like PLC circuit designing etc, ECU modeling etc.