Saturday, March 7, 2015

UG NX Shortcut : File Create new, open, Save, Plot

Operation : Open New UG file
Shortcut: Press Ctrl + N or Go to File- New or Press the new file Icon in the tool bar

Operation: To open already existing file like prt, iges, step or fem,sim files
Shortcut: Press Ctrl + O or File - open or Press the open file icon in the tool bar

Operation : To save the work part and modified files
Shortcut: Press Ctrl+S to save the work part and modified files
Or If you press Ctrl+S+A it will save all parts that are currently opened. You can also select File - Save all to perform the operation

Operation: To Print or Plot
Shortcut: Press Ctrl+P to create plot data files and plots them and send the plot to the plotter machine or a file with specific format like tiff , jpeg image etc.
To Send the data to Printer , go to File - Print

Operation : To Run a Grip program or Debug GRIP Program
Shortcut : Press GRIP Ctrl+G Run a GRIP program and to debug GRIP Press Ctrl+Shift+G which in turn runs a GRIP program in debug mode.
You can also use Ctrl+U to run an NX Open program.