Sunday, March 15, 2015

UG NX : Shortcuts to create macros , Journal , Expressions | Unigraphics

Expressions in UG NX:
In UG you can create expressions in Sketching dimensions and assembly constraints to control the Geometry shape or location using specific equations .

To start using Expressions you can use the shortcut  Ctrl+E which provides the list options for creating and modifying expressions.

Journal and Macro Files in UG NX:

If you want to repeat a set of tasks frequently, then you can go for macros and journal options to record a process and you can play or execute whenever it is necessary.

  • To play a Journal - Play Alt+F8 Plays back an existing journal file.
  • To edit a Journal file  - Edit Alt+F11 Edits any existing journal file.

  • To record a Macro use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+R which start to Record an interactive NX session into a macro file.
  • To play a Macro that is already created use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P which plays back an existing macro file.
  • To examine a Macro step by step  press Ctrl+Shift+S which enable you to examine the interaction of a macro in a detailed, line-by-line process as it is played back.