Sunday, March 15, 2015

Change / Orient WCS in NX , Change Sketch Plane manually in UG NX Unigraphics

Command : Orient , Define WCS (Work Coordinate System)  or Orient Sketch Plane

Short Description : This tool is very much helpful to reorient the WCS to new coordinate system or new desired plane surface/face.

What is WCS in NX ?

  • In NX, WCS refers to Work Coordinate system. WCS is useful to select the plane or face while sketching the curves.
  • The user has to orient the WCS in desired plane or face in prior to sketch the section of curves.

How to Reorient face or plane as Sketch plane in UG NX Unigraphics :

By default the WCS would be aligned with Absolute coordinate system. If you want to sketch in different plane or if you want to sketch in different face then while selecting those plane or surface while sketching , automatically the WCS will be oriented to the selected face.

But sometimes, you might not get the desired orientation through this automatic orientation. At this time, we can manually orient the sketch plane using following steps.

  1. Ensure the WCS is in display. If not you can display it using the tool Display WCS. Shortcut for displaying WCS is pressing keyboard key W
  2. Now select the tool Orient WCS . You can find it in Toolbar or find it using the command finder option or Go to View - Orient
  3. Now the CSYS form will appears and prompts method to define new WCS. Choose any desired method from the list viz Dynamic, Inferred, Origin - X Point - Y point , X axis Y axis etc. The most preferred one is Inferred Point.

Note :

If you are not able to pick any face or plane then ensure that selection scope is selected as Entire assembly and also Reset filter. You can find both these option in selection tool bar.