Monday, March 2, 2015

Frequency Response Simulation in UG NX Advanced Simulation FEA

Frequency Response Analysis :

In Unigraphics (UG NX) Advanced simulation FEA, we can simulate Frequency Response Simulation based on modal analysis results.

The steps for performing a Frequency response simulation are as follows :
  1. Prepare FEA model with Proper material, Boundary conditions etc
  2. For restraints use Fixed restrain and Apply Enforced motion location at the desired points or nodes
  3. For Solution type: Choose SEMFREQ 111
  4. Subcase to solve : Modal Frequency
  5. After solving for the solution set, now we have to create a response simulation .
  6. Right click on the part.sim , Go to New Solution Process: Response Simulation
  7. Right click and create New Evento Go to Event manager in Tools to create New Event
  8. Function Tools: To create a frequency function of type General- Spectrum
  9. Now for an event, select the enforced motion and for that enforced motion apply the function you have created.
  10. After creating a Frequency event, now Right click and choose Evaluate Contour results - Response
  11. Choose the desired output you need to obtain and select all the elements of the modal.
The results will be evaluated and the contour will be stored in the results section that can be viewed in Post Processing column.