Sunday, March 15, 2015

NX Drafting: Add Japanese Font , text in UG NX Drafting

To add text word in Japanese in UG NX Drafting :

Before trying to include Japanese text in UG NX Drafting sheet, just ensure that whether the Japanese font Kanji is installed in your computer or laptop.

If not you can manually install the font in to the computer program files.

Method 1:
Once you installed the Japanese font in the computer open UG NX Drafting module.

  1. Select Insert note option or you can also go to Insert - Note  command
  2. Now in the form that appears , expand settings and select style
  3. In lettering tab, choose font type in the drop down list as Ideas kanji
  4. Now Click OK and type the letters in the editor in Japanese language.

Method 2 :

If you want to include Japanese words in between English fonts , then use this method.

  1. In text editor , Expand Text Input - Formatting and select the font type as Ideas Kanji
  2. Now a format like <F14>Enter Text<F> will appear
  3. Type the Japanese font in between the F syntax.
  4. The letters you type outside the syntax will appear in usual English Font.