Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fertilizers Vs Sterilizers | Nammalvar Explanation to Natural , Artificial Feritilizer

I have heard this, related to G. Nammalvar, Indian organic farming scientist

The fertilizers that we are calling so, is not actually a Fertilizer.

The role of fertilizer is to enhance the soil by enriching the minerals. But the chemicals that we are using for farming is sucking the minerals from soil and gradually makes the soil , to use for nothing.

So, these Chemicals are actually Sterilizers and not Fertilizers.

He has mentioned in his interview that , the corporate politics plays a main role in promoting these Chemical fertilizers to make money and destroying the health of whole nation , because of their lust.

As a solution, he also mentioned that, there are plants like " Agatthi " and their seeds can be used for fertilizing the soil.

Fertilizer Plant:

Of course, Both of the following are Fertilizer plants

So many lies were told to us , that we have been told . Most of them are funny.
I am really felt satisfied to write this information  here.