Monday, January 12, 2015

Sync Subtitle in Android | VLC , MX, KM Player

Every Video Players like VLC , MX , KM Player that have already proved their own performance has also laid their strong foot prints in Android Mobile market too.

But, still there are lot of improvements to be made in Android versions of Video Players and one of such necessary feature is Re-syncing of subtitles.

In windows and MAC , it is very easy to adjust the subtitles according to the dialogue (audio voice).
But, still this feature is lagging in Android version and iPhone versions.

Still, MX player attempted a trial step toward re-synchronizing the subtitle file. We can swipe the subtitle to the left or right to adjust plus or minus one second to re sync with the audio.

In VLC Android version, to sync the subtitle try the following steps

  1. Tap on the three dots ( more options button)
  2. Now select sub-title delay option
  3. Now based on your requirement you can press + or - option which delays or advances the subtitle.
  4. Repeat the above step till the subtitle syncs with the Audio exactly
  5. Once you got the correct synchronization, remember the delay in milliseconds (ex :2500 ms) so that you can quickly set the same value , if the video is closed and restarted in between.

To adjust the subtile in Android MX Player

  1. Press three vertical dots in right top corner 
  2. Tap on Subtitle → Synchronization
  3. Press + to delay the subtitle by 0.1 second . Repeat until it matches with voice
  4. Press - to advance the subtitle by 0.1 second. Repeat until the text matches with the voice

On the other hand, BS player automatically detects correct subtitle file for your video and also sometimes automatically sync the subtitle with the audio.

You can also re-sync the subtitle srt files with video as follows ,
  • Open the video and srt files in laptop or PC and manually resync using the advanced options available in most of the Windows OS players
  • To download separate apps in android market to adjust the subtitle and then save it as a different file and adding it with the video . This is a very time consuming process and it will eat our time.