Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to speed up android phone without rooting

Reasons for Your Phone get slower :

In long run, most of the apps that have installed in android phones, specifically Googel Play services, Facebook, Chrome browser, Messenger etc will accumulate huge amount of cache files which collectively form unnecessary junk files.

It is our task to clean these junk files often to release sufficient space in Phone storage.

Apart from this,when you uninstall some apps, some Empty folders will be still there corresponding to those uninstalled apps. You can clean these junk files without any external app. But it will take time.Apps like clean master will help to clean these files fast.

  • Just go to File Browser - Phone memory and have a look. You can see the folders in the name of apps that you have uninstalled long long ago.
  • Some cleaning apps like 360, Clean master too don't clean these empty files sometime. It ll add up and in long run would affect the phone speed.
  • Some Other reasons includes
  1. Storage of thumbnail files,
  2. Cache files specifically in Internet browsers,
  3. Using phone memory for storing photos, movies,songs,downloads instead of sd card memory.
  4. Statistics like call history, Bluetooth storage history should be deleted often.

How to clean these files
  • Most of these unwanted files will be detected and cleaned if you use apps like 360 and Clean master. You can get them at Google play store.
  • If you have some basic knowledge about android file system, you can manually clear these caches often to get your phone speed up.