Wednesday, December 24, 2014

UG NX: File structure and basic terms in UG NX

File structure and basic terms in UG:

  • The components, Assembly and drawings that we create in UG NX are stored in the extension with .prt
  • The finite element model (mesh model) that we create in Advanced simulated module are stored in the extension .fem
  • The simulation file (With boundary conditions and results) will be stored as .sim extension.
  • And the sub assembly and components used in an Assembly are stored as separate prt files. So, we have to call, load all sub assembly components when we are working in an assembly.

Basic Terms and definitions:

It will be easier to work with the software if we are familiar with the following terms and definitions :

1.Component :
Component denotes a individual part . In some software, it is called as part. In UG we call it as components.
Example : If you are modeling a Fan. The whole set up is called as FAN assembly. Individual parts like Fan wing, Motor, Bolts, Nuts are called as components.

2.Solid Body: 
A component may consists of one or more closed surface groups called as solid bodies. If you have to calculate properties like mass, volume then it should be a closed surfaces ( solid bodies)
Sheet Body: If the component consists of opened ended surfaces, then they can be categorized as Sheet body.
Faceted body: Faceted body is a kind of light weight surfaces which do not contains any history of how the component is created.

3.Edge : The meeting point of two surfaces is called as Edge

4.Face: Surfaces are called as face in UG NX. A component consists of more face. For example, a cube consists of six faces.

5.Curves : Curves are the basic elements to build a 2D sketch. The curve may be a line, arc, circle, ellipse, spline etc.

6.Feature: Feature is a certain operation performed to build a component. Many features make a complete component. For example Extrude, Rrvolve, extend, trim are called as features.