Monday, December 15, 2014

To stop Locking Windows screen after 10 minutes of Inactivity

This trick is probably helpful for those who watches a full length movie in windows media player and those who want their screen active and unlocked even if they go for tea break during their working time to escape from their boss.

How to stop locking windows lock screen

Here is the simple trick to stop locking the Windows 7 Screen after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Step 1 : Right click on Desktop , Click Personalize , Go inside Screen saver. Ensure whether your screen saver is set for a long time duration or never went off. Remove the Check mark in the option , on display show log in screen.

Step 2: If you don't have administrator rights to change the screen saver settings , use this trick.
Open windows media player Go to Tools -- Options . In Player tab, Uncheck Allow screen saver during playback.

You are done. Now you can open some mp3 or audio files in media player, Keep it in repeat mode, mute the sound and switch off your monitor.

Your computer will never lock automatically until you close windows media player. Your boss will see you as available in your communicator status till you come back from your very long tea break.

Be cautious as this type of trick will lead to others use your system when you are not available at your desk.