Sunday, December 21, 2014

Google Chrome : Reduce Data usage in Chrome mobile browser

In some countries, Internet data tariff is very high which some times go beyond the budget of the user.

To overcome this, Google chrome has recently came up with a new option called "Reduce Data Usage".Initially the option is introduced only in Chrome Beta version for mobile phones. Now the option has been introduced in standard version too.

How to enable this Reduce Data Usage Option :

  • Open Google Chrome Browser in your mobile.
  • Tap the menu button of your smartphone that shows the list of menu.
  • Choose settings - Reduce Data Usage
  • Swap the Option to ON which will be intially in OFF status.

We are done. You can monitor anytime, how much data is reduced while you are browsing in Google Chrome Browser.

How this Data Reduction Works :

Usually, websites will contain Images with high quality for enhanced viewing in desktop , laptop like big screens.

If we are visiting those websites using mobile phones, it is sufficient if the image size is small enough to our mobile screen. So Google reduces sizes of such images suitable to mobile phone screens which results in enormous reduction in data usage and also increase the website speed considerably.


This data compression will not work for viewing videos in Chrome browser. So, It is better to view videos in YouTube as Youtube has excellent video compressing technology.