Wednesday, December 17, 2014

NX Drafting: Change Colored Drawing into Black and White Monochrome Display in Unigraphics NX

If you want to change the Drawing sheet to black in UG NX, Go to Preferences → Visualisation → Background → Choose Black Color. You can choose whatever color you wish.

If you want to make the drawing sheet as Monochrome Display (White Backgroud and Black Lines) , then refer the following procedure.

Those who worked on I-deas and transformed to NX UG would have been certainly felt that , Unigraphics is not as much as powerful like I-deas in handling with huge data particularly those who are working in Drafting of large assembly.

This article will help you to easily convert your large colorful drawing sheet into black and white drawing, which enable you to take pdf or tiff file of the black and white document.

Step 1: Make active , the drawing you have to convert into black and white.
Step 2: Go to Preferences -> Visualization
Step 3: In color tab , Enable Monochrome Display ; By default , show width options would be enabled. You can switch it off as you wish
Step 4: Click OK
Step 5: Now You can see your colorful drawing appears as a black and white drawing.

You can export this drawing into PDF , or plot this drawing as cgm file or direclty send it to printer or plotter connected to your device.

Usually, people will follow , manually converting all curves and lines using Edit Display options.
It is time consuming and non reversible for large drawings.
So, Using Visulaization settings is easier and effective for Black and white display and at anytime you can switch it back to the color display for the drawing by disabling the Monochrome display option, described in above steps.