Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tips to Protect Email Account From Spammers , Phisers

Privacy should be Privacy Always :

If you are using an email account, whether it is personal account or Business email account it is very necessary to protect against the online spammers and phishing attackers.

Most of the problem is because of clicking on links without knowing where it is linked. So , it is better to stay away from such unknown emails to protect individuals privacy.

Tips to Protect Email Account:

Here is some of the basic tips that should be followed regularly to protect the email account from unknown online spammers.
  • Do not open mails from anonymous senders related to advertisements, lotteries etc
  • Do not give your email address in any other online public forum
  • Change the password periodically
  • Keep the password with Alphanumeric and SPecial characters with minimum 6 to 9 characters
  • Do not share your email password with anyone
  • Do not write your password anywhere like your personal dairies or sticky notes etc
  • Be careful while downloading attachments in the email, particularly from unknown person.
  • Update your Internet browsers, Anti-virus software to the latest versions periodically