Monday, November 3, 2014

Meaning for Call forwarding on conditional

Meaning of Call forwarding on conditional

Are you receiving a pop up message in your phone screen like “Call Forwarding on Conditional” , each and every time you dial an outgoing call.

Do not worry. It means that call forwarding option is activated in your mobile phone for one or more condition.

Following are the conditions , you can forward a call when the conditions is true.

Condition 1: When Busy :- means that call will be forwarded to the number you have setup , when you are busy with another call.

Condition 2: When Not reachable :- means that call will be forwarded to another mobile number you have input , when you are in a remote or not reachable location.

Condition 3: When Switched Off :- means that the incoming call will be forwarded to another mobile number , when your mobile phone is switched off.

Condition 4: When the Call is answered :- means that the incoming call will be forwarded to another mobile number , when your missed the call for certain number of rings.

Apart from this call waiting option is also available in every mobile phone.

If you want to remove this Call Forwarding on Conditional option, then go to Setting -> Phone settings -> Call settings -> Call forward .
Now uncheck or disable all the call forwarding conditions that you have enabled. Thereafter you will not receive that popup while making a call.

You can use this conditional call forwarding option very effectively. Click here to see more.