Friday, October 10, 2014

Etisalat : Transfer credit from Etisalat to Etisalat | Etisalat PIN code for Credit transfer

It is very easy to transfer talk time credit balance in Etisalat UAE.

This guide helps you to send money from Etisalat to Etisalat number.

Step 1: Before transferring amount you need to know your PIN code for transferring credit. This can be known freely by sending an sms CPIN to 1010
Now you will receive your PIN code. Note it down.

Step 2:  In your Etisalat mobile phone, dial the USSD code *100*Receiver’s mobile number*Amount to be transferred#
For example, if you want to send 9 AED to your friend’s Etisalat mobile number 0503569963 , then you have to dial *100*0503569963*9# and press call button.

Step 3: Now Enter the PIN code you have received through SMS as described in step 1

Step 4: Now A confirmation message will be displayed and request you to press 1 to confirm the transfer. SO press 1 and click send button.

You are done. Now you and your Etisalat friend will receive a SMS that credit has been transferred, received respectively

Points to Remember:

  • You can transfer credit from all GSM Post-paid and Prepaid Etisalat SIM.
  • You can transfer credit only to Etisalat prepaid customers.
  • In order to renew any tossed prepaid SIM, you can use this credit transfer trick to renew that Etisalat mobile number
  • If you have any failed transaction or extra amount debited, then contact toll free helpline number 101
  • Minimum amount for credit transfer is 5 AED and maximum amount is 100 AED per day
  • Per day you can do maximum of 20 transactions
  • Commission fee of 5% will be deducted for each transfer. For example , If you transfer 5 AED, then commission fee of 0.5 AED will be deducted from your talk time balance.