Monday, October 27, 2014

Batelco : Block SMS from particular number in Batelco Bahrain

This article helps you to stop receiving Unwanted SMS from a particular mobile number in Batelco Bahrain.

To Block SMS (Message) from Particular Mobile Number
         If you are receiving annoying SMS from a particular number continuously ,  then you can stop receiving SMS from that particular number.
To block SMS from particular number type a SMS from your Batelco mobile number in below format  and send it to 5000

Block <sender ID>  or
Block <sender number>

You can activate SMS Filtering using USSD service by dialing *888*3# from your Batelco mobile number,

To Unblock SMS (Message) from Particular Number
        If you want to unblock the particular number which you previously blocked, then you can remove him from the blacklist by sending the following SMS to 5000

Unblock <sender ID>  or
Unblock <sender number>

To Divert or Forward SMS to another Batelco mobile Number
        You can easily forward or Divert your received SMS to another Batelco Mobile number.
To forward received SMS , type a message in below format and send it  to 5000

Divert <phone> or
DV <phone>

If you want to disable the SMS Divert Option, you can deactivate diversion by sending the following SMS to 5000