Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Airtel : Activate Voicemail | Send Recieve Procedure | Costs

By Activating Voice mail in Airtel, we can stay connected and send / receive important communications with your Airtel family members and friends even if the phone is switched off , not reachable in remote locations , busy or in flight mode.

This article explains the procedure to activate Airtel Voice mail, Setup Voicemail and How to use it effectively. Voicemail Procedure is same for both Airtel Postpaid and Airtel Prepaid customers.
Expand the below topics one by one to know more.

>>To activate & Setup Voice mail

From your Airtel mobile number , Dial the USSD code *321*671# and Press call Button.
You will receive a pop up message or SMS as Confirmation for the activation for Voice mail Setup.
Hereafter you are able to send or receive Voice mail in Airtel.

If you want to deactivate voice mail facility , then press *321*673# from your Airtel mobile number.

>>To receive / Hear Voice mail

If your phone is switched off for a long time or in not reachable location, then your dear ones might send you a voice mail.
It will be stored in a separate voice mail box.
You can hear the voice Mails sent to you by dialing to the number 52555
If you are in outside your state or in roaming region, then you have to dial 09810098200 for hearing voice mails.
>>To send Voice mail,

Dial * 10 digit recipient number and call.
After hearing a beep sound, record your voice for maximum 30 seconds
Press # to send

>>Costs and Charge for Voice mail

If you are inside your state or circle, then Hearing voice mail is free for 1st time. 75 paise for 2nd time onwards.
If you are in roaming, then roaming call charges applicable for voice mail hearing.
You can store maximum 30 voice mails in your account.

For sending voice mail, one voice mail costs 75 paise.

Voice mails are familiar in Western countries, but in India Voice mails do not used as much, One of the reason is the Indian People mindset is they need immediate response for mobile phone calls, and another reason is the doubt that the mail is heard by the receiver or not.