Friday, September 26, 2014

Optus Australia: To Retrieve PUK code & Reset Locked PIN number Online | SMS | call

The default PIN Number for all Optus Prepaid and Postpaid SIM card is 0000

Like every mobile Network, Optus Mobile SIM card will be blocked if you enter your PIN number wrongly for 3 times.
Then the Phone will request to enter PUK code to reset your PIN number.

You can find your OPTUS PUK (Personal Unlocking Key) through following methods.
Expand the method to know more.

>Find PUK through Helpline
  • Call 133 937 from other network or Optus phone
  • Choose Option 1 as Mobile
  • Input your Locked Optus mobile number.
  • Enter the PIN number(Default 0000)
  • If you changed your PIN then choose option 2 for contacting customer care person
  • Now Choose option 3 PUK Code Retrieval
  • Now enter your Date of Birth
  • Note the PUK code that has been told by the computer voice
  • Enter it in your Optus Mobile Phone
  • Reset you PIN number with a new four digit number and remember it.
>Retrieve PUK Online
  • Go to MYACCOUNT page in Optus official website
  • Login with your username
  • After entering into the homepage, click Dashboard tab
  • In the list of mobile numbers, click your mobile number that is SIM locked
  • Select Settings Tab and IN puk code section click VIEW PUK
  • Note down the PUK and enter it in your OPTUS mobile phone
  • Reset the PIN number with 4 digit and remember it.
>SMS option
Currently Optus do not provide option for obtaining PUK code through SMS.
So, Please try any one of the above methods to retrieve you PUK code.

    Maximum Limit for PUK code entering is 10 attempts. Then the SIM be be blocked and need to replace with anew SIM card . So better be careful while entering PUK code.