Thursday, September 25, 2014

Optus Australia : Check balance in Optus mobile phone Postpaid & Prepaid

You can check your current balance and usage statistics for your Optus Postpaid or Prepaid connection in three ways.

Expand the following topic you wish to know more.

> Check Balance Through SMS

For Post Paid Customers ,From your Optus Post Paid mobile phone , Type an sms 1 and send it to 9999 . It is toll free number anywhere inside Australia.

If you are a prepaid optus customer, then type an sms 2  and send it to 9999.

>Check Balance Through Toll Free Call

If you need to know your phone usage through call facility then call 1509 from your optus postpaid and prepaid number.

The computer voice will prompt a menu. Press 1 for knowing current balance in your account.
The number 1509 is toll free if you are using it anywhere in optus Australia.

>Check Balance Through App

If you have smartphone, then you can install MY OPTUS APP and use it to know your optus mobile phone connection related information at any time using the app;

    If you are calling from different mobile network other than Optus , then you have to call 132 926 to avail the same options.
    The charges will be based on the network tariff that you are calling from.