Monday, September 22, 2014

Dish TV DTH : Add, Remove/Deactivate Channels through SMS code, Online | Know Current Package | Know Recharge expiry date for Dish TV VC number

When you buy a dish TV DTH connection, then don’t forget to register your mobile number with Dish TV database.

This will help you in future to solve your complaints very quickly and adding a new channel to Dish TV pack that is not subscribed in your plan.
In specific, if you call to Dish TV customer care from any mobile , they will make you to wait for so many minutes by asking you to press 5, press 4 , press 9 etc. This may cost around minimum 10 to 15 rupees per call.
But if you have registered mobile number, you can send an SMS which just costs 2 Rupees and they will call you back from Dish TV to solve your problem

>How to find VC number of dish TV ?

  • Press my Account button in dish tv remote control. You can see 11 digit VC (Viewer Card) number in your television screen along with some other details
  • Otherwise, remove the Viewer Card from your dish tv set top box and note the 11 digit VC number printed in the card. You can neglect the number after hyphen symbol.
>Online Registration for Dish TV → Procedure ?

1.     First You have to register your mobile number with dish tv (explained in below step)
2.     Now go to
3.     Provide your dish tv VC card number (refer above procedure)
4.     Provide your Registered Mobile number (RMN)
5.     Enter the OPT sent to your mobile number and click validate
6.     Now in User Details section, provide email id, password, security question, answer etc 
7.     Click Submit to finish the registration
Note: Corporate Subs/ FOC Subs/ Demo Subs/ OYC Subs are not allowed for online registration 

>To Register my Mobile Number with Dish TV

  • From your mobile number, send an SMS DISHTV RMN <11 DIGIT VC NUMBERto 57575 or 09250078787
  • You will get a confirmation message from Dish TV once you send the SMS from your mobile number.
  • To de-register mobile number from dish TV, you have to call dish TV customer care, 9250078787 and request to remove your mobile number from their database or register with another mobile number will delete the old one from Dish TV database.
  • It is not possible to register RMN number for Dish TV through online. The easiest way is to register with SMS method as mentioned above.
>To check Dish TV Recharge Expiry date
  1. To check dish tv expiry date online, visit and click Instant recharge and Enter your VC card number. Now your expiry date will be displayed
  2. You can know the Recharge due date by pressing Myaccount button in Dish TV remote. All details related to your Dish TV connection like Recharge due date, last recharge date, recharged amount, vc number etc will be displayed in your screen.
  3. If you need to know recharge due date through SMS, then from your registered mobile number send DISHTV RECHARGE DATE <11 DIGIT VC NUMBER> to 09250078787 or 57575
>To receive a call from Dish TV customer care

  • It will cost 10 to 15 rupees if you call to Dish TV customer care.Instead , from your registered mobile number just send an SMS  CALL ME to 09250078787 or 57575
  • If you subscribed for free national SMS pack, there is no cost for this SMS.
>To remove 11 digit VC number appear on dish TV screen

  • For dish TV, the 11 digit VC number will appear on difference locations randomly in frequent time intervals. This is to avoid recording of the TV screen or trace who records the screen.
  • It is not possible to remove the 11 digit number on screen unless you have access to the set top box coding.

>To extend the validity of dish tv through missed call number

  • When you receive notification for due date, you can give missed call to 1800-274-9050 to extend the validity of your dish tv for 3 days.
  • You have to give the missed call from your registered mobile number
  • The dish TV will be deactivated after 3 days and you have to recharge it as usual.

If you have free national SMS pack in your mobile, then SMS to 09250078787 is free of cost.
  • Otherwise the network will cost Rs 2 per SMS for BSNL and MTNL .
  • Rs 1.5 per SMS for all other networks including Aircel, Airtel, Vodafone, Loop, Idea cellular, Reliance, Videocon and Tata DoCoMo.