Monday, September 22, 2014

Airtel DTH Digital TV: Solve Error Code B001 , Code 2 , Code 4 , Code 6 in Airtel digital TV

Error codes will be displayed in Airtel DTH Digital Dish TV connection sometimes. The subscribers would face four main errors with error messages and codes in the TV screen. Expand the below error codes that appears in your screen to know the solution and troubleshooting for specific error codes.

>Airtel DTH : Error Code B0001

  • If you see an error in the TV screen like “NO SIGNAL (Error B0001) , then the main reason for this Error may be
    • Bad weather conditions like Heavy Rainfall, Dense Cloud surroundings etc. We have to wait until the weather condition to become normal. This is the great drawback of every DTH TV.
    • If the sky is clear without any rainfall, then you have to check further options  like
    • Check whether are cables are in Proper condition without any fault ,
    • Check all connectors in Set top Box are fitted properly without loose connections . Check the connections and restart the set top box.
    • Check whether there is any obstacle or huge things that cover in front of dish tv antenna

>Airtel DTH: Error Code 2

  • If you receive error in the screen like “Viewing card is not inserted properly in Set top box (Error Code : 2) “, then the reason should  be the problem with Airtel DTH viewing card.

How to Insert Airtel Dish TV card:

    • Take the viewing card out from the set top box and gently clean it with a soft cloth and look whether there is any scratches in the chip area. Now, Carefully insert the viewing card , with the Chip facing in downward direction and Restart the Set top Box.
  • Still the problem continues, then you have to contact Airtel DTH customer care to replace the Viewing CARD.

>Airtel DTH: Error Code 4

  • If you receive error in the screen like “The Channel is not Subscribed by you (Error Code :4)”, then obviously you did not subscribe for the channel or the channel is not included in your recharge pack.
    But if you think the channel is subscribed by you, then contact customer care to avail this channel.

>Airtel DTH: Error Code 6

  • If you see error in screen like “Account is suspended due to low balance (Error Code: 6)” , then you have to recharge your DTH card as you reached the recharge due date already.
    Sometimes , it will take maximum one day to activate the channels pack, so we have to wait until to see the subscribed pack.
    After one day, if the problem continues, you can call customer care number to know the status of the recharge.