Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why internet is not working on my mobile phone

You are in the right place.Here you can analyze all the root causes and try to fix the  internet connectivity issue is your mobile phone (Smart phone or normal phone)

1.    Go to Settings -> Sim Management -> Roaming -> Data Roaming -> enable Allow data roaming

2.    Ensure that flight mode is in off condition. If not go to profiles and change to some other profiles like general or loud mode.

3.    If you are not getting H , E or G symbol , then reboot your phone once and enable data connection

4.    If you are too lazy to reboot the phone, just go to sim management and disable SIM and then enable SIM. It is almost equal to restarting the phone.

5.    Check whether GPRS settings is correct. If not request new settings from your mobile network by sending SMS and save it as default internet settings.

6.    If you want to use wifi mobile hot spot, then ensure both data connection is on and Wifi tethering is enabled

7.    If you want to USB tethering, then you must check whether you enabled both USB tethering option and Data connection on

8.    Go to settings -> mobile network ->Network Mode -> Select Automatic . So that you will receive both 2G and 3G signals whichever available in your location.

9.    If you are using Wifi hotspot from other mobile phone, ensure that data connection is enabled on the donor device and it is receiving data perfectly.

10.    Simply in most of the cases, a restart or reboot of the device will solve the internet connectivity issue.