Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hear new movie songs free | set Dialer tune for my mobile number online

Expand  your mobile network in following List to see the Procedure to activating Dialer Tunes
+How to activate Aircel dialer tunes online?
  • In the above website, you can hear dialer tunes online for all type of songs like Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam etc. and instrumental dialer tunes as album and separate song list.
  • After hearing , you can activate it online itself if you like the tone.
  • An OTP pin code will be sent to your mobile phone to confirm the dialer tune. Standard charges will be applicable as usual.
+How to activate Vodafone Dialer tunes online?
  • Go to the below website.
  • Search for the desired song.
  • Listen it for free. Then select Set it now button.
  • A pin code will be sent to your mobile number. Enter it in the website form. Then your dialer tune will be set applying standard charges.

+How to activate Airtel dialer tunes online?

hello tunes dialer tunes online listen hear and set
  • In Airtel they call dialer tune as hello tunes.
  • You can find the list of hello tunes of Airtel in the following Airtel website.
  • You can also listen them for free and set it in online itself with standard applicable charges.
+How to activate Tata DoCoMo dialer tunes online?
  • If you are a Tata DoCoMo user, then you can activate and set dialer tunes online in the following website.
  • If you press the horn button, the song will be played . Press Get it button to set the dialer tune for your mobile number.
+How to activate Idea cellular tunes online?
  • In idea cellular online website is little animated.
  • In the above website, a song image will be displayed. If you move mouse over the song, you can see hear button and set button.
  • Standard charges will be applicable to set and using dialer tunes service. 
+How to activate BSNL tunes online?

  • Initially I didn't expect BSNL may have a online portal for setting dialer tunes.


  • I was really surprised to see the well designed website specially made for hearing dialer tunes.

  • Yes,we can hear it by clicking preview button and activate the desired one by pressing Assign button in the website.

  • Standard charges will be applicable to set and using dialer tunes service

  • +How to activate Uninor Bollywood tunes online?

  • Since Uninor services is provided only in 5 circles and all of them are in north India, they have only bollywood hindi songs in online data base.

  • There is no option for activating dialer tuners through online in Uninor.

  • There are some IVR options to activate tunes, but they cost 6 Rs/min. So I would not recommend that method.
  • Keep the following Points in Mind before activating dialer tune

     1.For hearing songs, it is absolutely free of cost. But the network will cost 2 to 3 Rupees to confirm the dialer tune you selected finally to set.
     2.If you have enough balance in your phone, then they will auto renew Dialer tune for 1 month or 15 days or 7 days based on the talk-time balance available in your mobile phone.

    3.You can deactivate dialer tune anytime for free with a single VAS stop SMS. Read more here to deactivate dialer tunes.

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