Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to check, remove your name and mobile number in truecaller app database

Privacy becomes the main concern nowadays , as every internet apps and software try to know more about their customers to serve them better.But some times it goes bad and create issues in one's privacy.

True caller is in such critical market place where they use phone number of a person that can be viewed by all their users registered with the app.
If you do not want to reveal your name to the true caller users, then follow this procedure.

Unlisting Procedure
  • Go to true This is the official website of true-caller android and itune application.
  • Inside the website go to support page.
  • In support page you can see a set of options in left side.
  • Among the options click Unlist.
  • A new unlist from opens now. Here enter your phone number and verification image .(Captcha)
  • Note that you have to enter the phone number with country code in the format +91985xx69xx9
  • Then press unlist button.

Most probably you will be unlisted. In case if you got some error, immediately go to contact page and fill the page.

If it shows that your name is not found in database, then you are lucky that truecaller is not storing your number.

In subject describe that " I want to remove my name from true caller database as i need some privacy"
Within two to three days, you will get a confirmation message that your number is unlisted.