Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to know other's mobile number balance in BSNL online ?

Update: This trick is not working anymore, as BSNL improved the website design and removed this bug.At first this bug was existed in both quick recharge adn standard recharge method. But after the upgradation of new bsnl portal, the option to know balance through online is eliminated. 

Procedure to find balance of any prepaid BSNL number in India :

1.Go to portal.BSNL.in website. It is the official BSNL website to do online recharges and to pay landlines and broadband internet bills.

2.Now, select the option BSNL PRERPAID MOBILE RECHARGE.

3.If you already have log in and password for BSNL portal, use it. 
Otherwise select the option quick recharge.

4.Here give the BSNL mobile number which you want to check the talk time Balance. First test it with your BSNL number , so you easily believe it.

5.Once you enter mobile number , select Next. Here you need to give some denomination value . It’s your wish, because you are not going to complete the recharge process.

6.After selecting general top up and giving denomination values, press next.

Here you get the balance of your friend’s mobile number. Yes , this page will display the current talk time balance and validity of the Prepaid mobile number that you have entered.

For example it will show like below :
Current Status
Your Current balance is Rs.134.5 And Expiry Date is 17/12/2014

This trick has been utilized to those who asks you to do top-up even if they have some balance in the account. You can catch such friends or family persons easily by this technique. This technique is free and no balance is required to use this trick.

You can surprise your friends who have  BSNL mobile number.