Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How To in Android Smart Phones - For Android Lovers

Reactivate the SIM card without restarting the mobile phone

This trick works only for dual SIM mobile phones. If you deactivate and reactivate the SIM card, the signal will be refreshed which is useful at the time of getting Internet signal.

Save power for my android smart phone to extend its battery life?

Just download any famous power saver application from Google store.
Clean master and 360 security are some best apps. But don’t go for apps like battery doctor.It will ruin your battery.

Configure business , office email in android smartphone?

Setting up office server mails with android phone is little tedious task as you need to know the server name,domain name of your office mail.
If it is known, then go to Email application, type your mail address and select manual set up. Feed the above details in the form. Then it will automatically receive your office mails to your phone whenever you turn on internet.

Enable and disable option of power button to end call?

Go to Settings - Accessibility - Enable Power button ends call. Disable anytime if you don't need it.

Re-calibrate my position sensor or Gsensor ?

  • Go to settings - Accessibility - Gsensor Calibration.
  • Now keep your phone in Flat table so that it will calibrate accurately, then press calibrate button.
  • Wait for 3 seconds. Now your phone sensor will be perfectly calibrated. Do this settings only if your sensor is not working properly.