Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to in Android Smart Phones - Tips and Techniques for Andro Lovers

How to Remove launcher button in my android smartphones?
By default theme, we cannot delete or remove the launcher icon without rooting the phone.
Android boy wearing tie and uniform
But if we install an external launcher like SOLO launcher from Google play store , then we can easily remove the launcher button in the home screen by long pressing on the icon.

How to connect pen drive to my android smart phone directly?
There is a cable called OTG cable (On the Go) . Using this cable you can directly connect your android Smart phone to the pen drive and transfer large files easily.
But your phone should support OTG feature. Some of the phones are not detecting pen drive as they are not programmed to this feature.

How to take apk file of my app in android smartphone?
Just download an app called 360 Security. This app has an option called App manager. Using this option you can uninstall or take apk back up of the apps you wish .
After taking back up you can easily transfer apk files to other mobile through Bluetooth or WiFi direct option.

How to know the current location of through android smartphone?
The name of current place can be displayed by doing the following settings . Messages – Settings – General – Cell Broadcast – Enable Cell Broadcast
Whenever the signal changes, an automatic SMS will be received displaying the name of the signal tower.

How to auto refresh a page in my android browser?
This feature is not present in all android browsers. But a browser called Next Browser has this facility. After installing the browser, you can separately install a auto refresh plugin to this browser.