Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to in Android Smart Mobile Phones - Tips and Techniques for Android Lovers

How to lock a particular application in my Android smart Phone?
By default, android smart phones has lock options for home screen.If you want to lock choosy applications
then you have to install separate locking application.

Currently two best apps that help to lock the applications are App lock and 360 Security.

Applock has some drawback but 360 Security app can be used to do many task like junk files cleaning, killing closed apps, apk back up , sms filter, call filtering etc.

How to remove residual files and empty folders in Android smart phones?
Install 360 Security app and select the option Phone cleaner. It will notify how much residual junk files and empty files are stored in your phone.
Then you can select the files to remove permanently from your phone memory.

How to Increase font size for menu list in my android smart phone?
Go to settings - Display - Font size - Choose your desired font size.

How to adjust brightness of my screen automatically according to the light environment?
In settings - Display -Brightness - Choose Auto . This option is available in latest versions of android like Jelly Bean, Kitkat etc.

What is tethering in my android phone and how can i tether my mobile phone?
Tethering in android is nothing but connecting your phone to PC to browse internet.
This can be done in three ways. WiFi Tethering , Bluetooth tethering and USB tethering.

Bluetooth tethering is less efficient and less popular.
USB tethering is little better than the bluetooth but the draw back is you have to use cable for tethering.
Wifi tethering is the best and very easy option to browse internet in PC or Laptop .

You can enable tethering option in Settings - More - Tethering & Portable Hotspot.