Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ten Things Google made Simple And Easier using the Google's SEARCH BOX

1.Google’s route show
Google’s route show is a feature of Google map. But for simplicity , we can access the route information directly in Google search box itself.
Just we need  to type the start and destination place with a keyword to in between the two places.
If we are searching places between countries and continents, flight maps and information will be displayed.

At the same time, if we search local places and destinations, we can get information and route including local trains, local bus route, walkable routes etc.

1.Google map route show

In Google search box, type barcelona to paris
How many flights, their times, duration of journey, route map will be displayed. Sometime bus route , train route may be displayed based on the availability.

All the keywords i have typed in this article are lower cases. This is to illustrate Google accepts both small and upper case keywords from the user.

In future Google may simplify more things for us to get the information easily. I will write if I come to know Google’s new implementations.

These things are meant for basic searches and basic information seekers.
There are many advanced search keywords in Google that can be used to know depth information and specific information based on the user needs.
