Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to log out off facebook remotely on other forgot mobile device or PC laptop ?


I forgot to log out on my friends mobile when I  signed into facebook. (or)
I forgot to sign out facebook in a public computer or other family member’s laptop.
How can I sign out from all other devices remotely from my mobile or laptop?
Logout sign off facebook remotely


1.Go to facebook and login with your username and  password. 

2.Click Account settings (Gear button) in the right corner. For mobile apps and mobile site it may be in different place 

3.Now a list of option like log in notifications , log in approvals will be displayed. At the last , you should see a option Where you logged in.Click that option.

4.Now a list of devices , your facebook account currently signed in will be shown. 

5.Give end activity other than current session. 

6.That’s it. You signed out of that other device that you forgot to sign out.

Related tags:
 Check active login devices of facebook account
forget to logout of facebook on another computer
forgot to log off facebook
forgot to logout of facebook on another computer
logout facebook account
logout my facebook account
logout facebook link
logout facebook from all devices
logout facebook mobile