Monday, July 28, 2014

How to Boost your mobile Network Signal

Trick 1 :
Go to your Phone settings -> Mobile network -> Choose operator manually.
If you select this option , your phone will search for the signal manually and get the nearest tower information and signal strength from that tower.

Trick 2:
This is applicable only for Aircel. You can send an sms message NOSIGNAL <your location> to 121
This number is toll free. Once you send sms , they will look into the issue and register the complaint and they will take necessary action to improve the signal strength on your location.

Trick 3:
Just call to 198 . This toll free number is specifically for making complaints about network issues and this number is same for every network. Your customer care people will attend the call. Complaint about the signal issue and they will take action for your signal complaint.

Trick 4:
Instead of searching for the signal, better shift to the mobile network which has good signal strength in your location and wherever you go. You can know which network is good in your area by following the trick number 1 explained above.

Do not install any apps from Google play or other android store to boost your 3G and 2G signal strength. I am sure all of them are fake software and they will not work to improve your signal strength.