Friday, July 18, 2014

TNEB : Procedure for Raising a Complaint for Electric Board hrough Online Portal

Step 1: 
You should have an tneb online account with your service number. If you do not have tneb online account ,please create one. It is very easy to create. You can refer this article. How to create tneb online bill paying account.

Step 2:
Once You created the account login through the tneb online bill paying website. Once you entered into the website with your login , your service number will be displayed and a set of  options will be displayed as follows.

tneb online sample complaint eb service meter

Step 3:
In the options icon, click on general complaints. Now a new window opens with two options namely Payment related complaint and General Complaint.
If you need to complaint about bill payment then select first option otherwise select option 2. The list of complaint categories is available in the previous page. You can refer it to choose the type of complaint you need to make.
TNEB complaint wrong meter reading

Step 4:
Once you select the complaint option and category of complaint , a new page will open .You can type your complaint in the Box in brief banner and Click Submit.

Step 5:
The TNEB electric board person will contact you through phone or through email if it is related to payment query. If the complaint is related to EB service meter then the tneb representative will contact the service number address directly in person.