Saturday, July 19, 2014

Vodafone :Get PUK code & Reset PIN through online or SMS | SIM Unlock

If PIN code is wrongly entered for three times, then your Vodafone SIM will be locked and ask for an eight digit PUK code.

We can know and recover PUK code for locked Vodafone mobile number by two easy method. If your SIM is already locked, then method 2 is recommended.

>1.Method One - Through Online Portal

Know PUK code for locked Vodafone SIM card through online

Go to Vodafone official website. Click on My Vodafone link. Now a new page will open .Register for One time using your mobile number, Once you enter your mobile number an One time Password will be sent to your mobile phone or to email id if your phone is locked.

My vodafone register for PUK code number

Now use this password to enter into my vodafone page.

Inside My account page, click for PUK code settings. Immediately PUK code will be displayed in your webpage. You can enter this PUK code to unlock your mobile phone.

Don't try more than 3 incorrect attempts. Then you have to buy a new SIM card.

>2.Method two - Through Customer care conversation

Procedure to find Vodafone India SIM PUK code from customer care:
(Other countries, refer method three)

1. Note the following details in a piece of paper. The customer care person will ask you these details to confirm your details to give the PUK number.
·         19 digit SIM number which is printed in the back of your Docomo SIM card
·         Your mobile number
·         Your Name in address proof given to them
·         Your Address which is given at the time of buying the SIM card

2. Once you note down all the details, now Call the toll free customer care number 199 from another Idea mobile number . If you want to call from other mobile network to Vodafone customer care, then call 9811098110

3.Listen the computer voice carefully and wait till the option for speaking to customer care is announced.

4.Press the number to speak with customer care person

5.Just tell the I want to unlock my PUK code , they will ask the details in step 1

6.Immediately they will provide the PUK number of your SIM card

7.Note it down correctly and end the call

8.Now enter the PUK in your locked SIM card to unblock it.

>3.Country wise procedure

Refer the procedure for finding Vodafone SIM puk code for your country

Find PUK online:
→In official VOdafone website, Go to My Vodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline

Prepaid customers:
140  (from Vodafone mobile)
069140 (from other phone or landline)
+35569140 (from abroad)
Post paid customers:
149 (from Vodafone mobile)
(from other phone or landline)
 (from abroad)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to My Vodafone
→Login with your user id.
→In My usage list , Select Account settings option
→Choose Get PUK code option from Account menu
→Note down PUK number
→Enter it in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline

1555 (from Vodafone mobile)
1300 650 410  (from other phone or landline)
 +61 414 14 14 14  (from abroad)
        Czech Republic

From SIM cover:

Rub Plastic card

Through Online:
In official Vodafone website, Log in to My Vodafone
View PUK code , enter it mobile

Through Helpline
77 (from Vodafone mobile)
800 77 00 77   (from other phone or landline)
Through Online:
Login into Myaccount , View your PUK and enter it in your locked phone.

Through Helpline
2828 from vodafone mobile or other phone
Find PUK online:
In official Vodafone website, Login to MeinVodafone
Select → MeinMobilfunk > Geräte > SIM-Karte > Super PIN / PUK sehen
In English : My Mobile> Devices see> SIM Card> Super PIN / PUK
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Find PUK through helpline:
12 12  (from Vodafone mobile)
0800 172 12 12   (from other phone or landline)
+49 172 12 172 12   (from abroad)
Find PUK online:
In official Vodafone website, Login into Myaccount , View your PUK and enter it in your locked phone.

Through Helpline

Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Login into Myaccount with your mobile number and password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
13830  (from Vodafone mobile)
+306944403830  (from other phone or landline)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Login into MyVodafone with your mobile number and password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
1270   (from Vodafone mobile)
+36 1 288 1270 (from other phone or landline)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Login into MyVodafone with your mobile number and password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
199  (from Vodafone mobile)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to Myvodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
1747 from mobile or 1850 20 40 20 from a landline  (pay as you go )
 1907 (monthly bill pay)
Find PUK online:
In official Vodafone website, Go to Myvodafone, Login with the  mobile number and password to view your PUK code information.

Through SMS:
SMS to 190 with the following text: PUK + phone number + Tax code (example: PUK + 340 + RSSMRA85T10A562S *******).

Through Helpline
190  (from Vodafone mobile)
800 100 195   (from other phone)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to Myvodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in yor mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.
247   (from Vodafone mobile)
(+356) 9999 9247  (from other phone)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to Myvodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.
06 54 50 01 00 and select PUK in the menu
        New Zealand
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to Myvodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
0800 800 021 (Inside new Zealand)
+64 9 355 2007 (from abroad)
Find PUK online:
In official Vodafone website, Log in to My Vodafone
Note your PUK and enter in your mobile phone
Enter four digit new PIIN

Through Helpline

16 9 12  (from vodafone mobile)
+351911691200  (from abroad)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to Myvodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
From your mobile → 111
Toll free 2→ 800 7111
From abroad → +974 7700 7111
Find PUK online:
In official Vodafone website, Go to MyVodafone, Login to view your PUK

Through Helpline

Call special emergency number to unlock PUK/PIN
 228  (from Vodafone mobile)
 0372 02 2258  (from other mobile)
        South Africa
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to  My Vodacom
→Login with your mobile number, Password
    Select 'Manage my profile'
→Select 'Price plan and phone'
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
111  (from Vodafone mobile)
082 111  (from other mobile)
+27 82 111 (from abroad)
SMS 'VPP' to 31050
Find PUK online:
Plastic card  that came with SIM
Go to My Vodafone , sign in and view PUK

Through Helpline
123  (from Vodafone mobile)
607 123 000  (from other phone)
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to Online Self Servis
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline
542  (from Vodafone mobile)
0 (542) 542 00 00  (from other land line)
        United Kingdom
Find PUK online:
→In official Vodafone website, Go to My Vodafone
→Login with your mobile number, Password
→Select Get PUK code option
→Note it down and enter in your mobile number
→Reset your PIN number
→Enter PIN number again to confirm
→Now your phone should have unlocked and work as usual.

Through Helpline

191  (from Vodafone mobile)
08700 700191 (post paid) (from other phone)
08700 776655 (prepaid)  (from other phone)

 For safety purpose, note that PUK code somewhere safely to avoid stressful situation in future. Always use some external app to lock your screen. Locking the screen with SIM pin code is always risky.

Related Tags
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