Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to get current Location in Android Smart phone without using internet and GPS

In Nokia feature phones, there was is some space is the main screen to display the current location.

But in android smart phones, somehow they missed this option to include in the home screen. I think they didn’t consider this as a good option.

However, they moved this option to message settings. To know the current mobile phone tower name in your android smartphone ,just enable the following option.

Step 1: Go to Messages --> Settings

Android Jelly bean message settings  --> Android Jelly bean message broadcas settings

Step 2: Inside Settings select General

Step 3: Now look for Cell broadcast settings and select it.

Android Jelly bean place location message broadcast settings  -->Android Jelly bean place location message broadcast settings

Step 4 :  Enable Cell broadcast.

            If you have dual SIM smart phone, they you should choose in which SIM card you have to enable this cell broadcast.

Now you are done. Whenever the Network Signal Changes, A free message from your network will arrive to your inbox immediately.

I suggest you to use this option, if you really wanted to find the location when you are in an unknown remote place, where human beings are not there but network signal available.

Because it will increase the battery consumption resulting in quick discharging of your smart phone battery.