Friday, April 18, 2014

Aircel to Exit in India ?

The news is keep on aired that the promoters and investors of Aircel is planning to exit Aircel network in India.

Though there is not any official information released by the company , it seems to be that the Maxis which is the majority stake holder of the Aircel company shows interest in discussing with the other leading telecoms to transfer the holds of the company.

What about the users of Aircel if it is going to exit in Aircel?

Aircel sustains to be a leading telecom in four telecom circles Tamil Nadu, Assam, Chennai  and North East india.

Aircel competes with the leading telecom operators like airtel, Docomo etc by providing exciting and cheap offers in 3G. Aircel has the cheapest price to provide 3G data. It provides 2 GB 3G data for its customers for just 193 INR and unlimited 2G beyond the limit for one month.

Aircel also offers free wikipedia access to every aircel users through tie up with wikipedia.

If Aircel is going to some other hands like Ideas cellular or MTS then it will be a very huge loss to Aircel customers as they need to adopt the new schemes and plans of the acquiring company.

The reason for this exit decision is not unknown and it is predicted to be the selling of its stakes have a problem in the past.

Anyway , if it is a rumor , the happiest people will be the Aircel users.