Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to block unwanted spam SMS (messages) in Android smartphones

It will be very much annoying for those who receive lot of unwanted spam SMS.If you are using Android smartphones, then you can easily block those messages.

Here is the procedure to block the unwanted SMS from any number,

1. Go to Google play store and download the application called 360 security.
   There are many apps. But this is the best one which has lot of other options.

2. Now install the application after download is finished. Most probably, it should be automatically installed.

3. Now open the application and look for Anti-Harassment Settings.
   There you can add the mobile numbers those who sent unwanted spam SMS.

4. After adding the mobile number to the black list, you will not receive any notification for those unwanted spam SMS and those SMS will not be stored in inbox.
   They will be stored separately in this application.

5. If you want you can move them into your inbox manually either you can delete them permanently.

In addition if you explore the application 360 security, you can find more useful options like locking a specific android application, privacy management options ,junk files and residual files cleaner etc.