Saturday, March 8, 2014

Comparison of 3G internet plans in all mobile networks - Choose the best Pack

All mobile networks has begun to change their plans to high speed 3G internet data . It is expected that 2G network will be vanished in future and all network signals will be 3G  in all over India.

Here is the detailed comparision of all 3G plans available in all mobile networks in India. I have mainly studied three important factors . Value of the plan VS Validity Vs Data (MB ,GB)

Network               Value in Rupees                 Validity                       Data

Aircel                          204                     1 month                    1 GB Highspeed ,104 SMS, 104 Rs

Vodafone                   124                          28 Days                   1 GB free data.
                                                                                               Beyond this charges applicable.

Vodafone                   651                          28 Days                   3 GB free data.
                                                                                               Beyond this speed will be throttled
                                                                                               to 64 kbps

Tata Docomo            255                          1 month                    1.5 GB Charges applicable beyond                                                                                                            usage

Tata Docomo            351                          1 month                    2.5 GB Charges applicable beyond                                                                                                              usage

Airtel                        249                          1 month                    1 GB. Charges applicable beyond                                                                                                              usage

Airtel                        449                          1 month                    2.5 GB. Charges applicable beyond                                                                                                            usage

Idea Cellular              127                          1 month                   1 GB. Beyond limit 2 paise/10 kb

Idea Cellular              345                         1 month                    1.5GB. Beyond limit 2 paise/10 kb

If you observe all the plans in detail, you can be very clear that , most of the network charge you very high. For 1 Gb data it varies from 100 to 249 Rupees.

Some of the network plans may not be available in your area because of the absence of 3G signal.

High speed internet will become as one of our right in future. Internet Giants like Google , Facebook are intensively working on free internet and low cost internet.

For time being, choose the best network and best plan for internet and save money.

In my experience , Aircel offers the cheap and best 3G internet plans compared to other mobile networks.