Thursday, March 14, 2013

TNEB - Online portal to View ,Pay Electric Bill Easily

I am sure most of us get irritated when standing in a long queue to pay the electric bill.Some of us might be get lazy to go to the electric board .But no more you need to be get irritated.No more you need to drive your vehicle to EB exchange to pay your bill.Online portal is here to make the task very easy with 2 minutes.

You need to register first with your email id and you can add as many service numbers as you wish.

You can start online electric bill payment by visiting the following link. 

The steps are very simple.Better I will explain briefly with some bullet points,

Register the website with your house electric box service number,Follow the below steps to register.

>>How to register TNEB online payment - Step By Step Explanation

After Entering correct consumer no you can pay bill for the added account through bill-desk portal.

If you wish you can add as many service numbers you need.

There is a drawback.Yes you should be careful , through which bank account you are paying.If you choose the bank which is not in the following list you need to pay extra commission up-to 5 to 10 Rs.

So if you pay through above net banking accounts you don't need to pay any additional money.
