Saturday, March 23, 2013

3G Pocket Internet Unlimited Packs- Tricks followed by Indian Mobile networks

Mobile newtworks like Aircel, BSNL, Airtel, Vodafone , Docomo, Idea etc started to give unlimited free 3G monthly plans. But they give the check point to the users by the term FUP (Fair usage Policy)

Everyone should be aware of FUP and no one should not get disappointed , by Mobile network's 3G unlimited packs..

For example, If you recharged with PI 198 and got 3G speed up to 1GB. This is not the problem.
But they will promise that,  beyond the limit , the speed will be 128 Kbps. After 15 days , If we consumed 1 GB and for 2 days We will get that 128 Kbps.
After that they will limit the speed to 32 Kbps. That is 10 Kilo Byte Per second.

This speed is very less compared to even 2G speed. So, you will get frustrated because of this low speed when you subscribe for unlimited packs. So, it is better to go for limited data packs.